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Wanted: Boyfriend for Christmas (The Holiday Series Book 1) Page 10

  Zane’s question brought her back to reality.

  “No. Never. You?” Her words came out in short bursts.

  “Nope. I’d remember something like that,” he joked.

  She noticed he seemed much more relaxed. Last night he seemed different, but tonight…he glowed. Did males glow? Apparently so.

  The music continued to what she thought to be through a commercial break. Lily listened and slowly like the Grinch at the end of the movie, her Christmas spirit began to grow. She smiled as the children’s choir went into “Jingle Bells”. They were beyond halfway through this Christmas adventure, and she had enjoyed everything they had done so far. For the next several events they have left, she decided she will continue to remain in the spirit. This was her favorite time of the year, and now she had someone to share it with. A great guy. Looking up at him, she smiled. The smile that was cheesy in a sweet way.

  Zane glanced down at her and smiled with a furrowed brow. “Are you okay?”

  “Better than ever,” she replied.

  Her answer made him squeeze his bicep and she moved closer.

  Soon, the President and his family came out and they all watched as the tree was lit. The crowd clapped as the choir began their last song. Lily’s cheeks hurt from the elation she felt.

  When they made their way out, she continued to hold onto his arm. She hadn’t let go at all that evening, and he seemed to like it.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “I’m not starving because I ate not too long ago. What about some coffee?” she suggested. She didn’t want to go home yet.

  “Sounds great,” Zane agreed. Instead of summoning an Uber, they walked toward a local Starbucks.

  The air had turned colder and when they reached the warmth, they both sighed. There were patrons everywhere, but thankfully Lily saw an open table.

  “I’ll grab that table if you can order me a hot chocolate,” Lily said.

  “Perfect,” he answered and it was the first time she released her arm from his and rushed to the table.

  She managed to get her coat off and took a seat. The table was directly in front of the window, and she watched people pass by, rushing on their way home and out of the cold. She couldn’t believe how the past twelve hours had changed for her. Harley’s advice told her it was time to take chances in life and she needed to. She’d played it safe for too long. Broken hearts would mend. Besides they were in love. They were just two people enjoying the holiday season.

  “Here you go.” Zane placed a cup with a large amount of whipped cream and chocolate shavings in front of her.

  “Wow, this looks delicious.” She resisted the urge to dip her finger into it and lick it.

  “I should have ordered that.” He nodded toward her drink.

  “Yours looks good,” she lied since he had a latte. Even though it was nothing spectacular, but she was trying to be nice.

  “It’s okay.” He took a sip. “How was your day?”

  “I wrapped some gifts and managed to mail out some packages. Then Harley and I hit a few sales to grab some last-minute items,” she told him proudly.

  “Find anything good?” he inquired.

  “A few new sweaters. It seems to be colder this season than last.”

  This turned into a long conversation of their favorite memories of snow. Zane told her about him and Spencer building snowmen and sledding. She told him about a snowball fight she had with Harley when she first moved on campus in D.C. They laughed at the stories and memories as they both emptied their cups.

  “Want a refill?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’ve had a long day.”

  “Let’s get you home.” He stood and helped her put on her coat.

  While they waited for the Uber, Lily again slipped her arm through his. He still didn’t move away. In fact, this time, he placed his gloved hand over hers. She could feel his body heat through their gloves. She didn’t want to let go. Like every time before, he held the door for her as she eased into the Uber. When he slid into the other side, he immediately clasped her hand.

  After the Uber driver dropped them off, Zane continued to hold her hand all the way up to her door. Lily knew what she was going to do. They had been interrupted enough. She stopped at a step higher than him, making them eye level. They didn’t say anything, they only kept their eyes locked on each other. The same tingling feeling from when they were in her kitchen came creeping up from her toes. A small smile appeared on her face as she leaned in. Her lips lightly touched his. The sparks seemed to burst around them. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly as the passion grew between them.

  When they finally came up for air, a fog had grown around them from their hot breaths. Neither of them said a word. They just kept their eyes locked on each other’s. Lily hadn’t kissed a large number of men, but this one would be one that she’d remember for a long, long time.

  “Thank you for a great night,” she finally managed to say.

  “Thank you,” he said. “You want to help me tomorrow. I have some shopping to do. Maybe we can grab some lunch before our date.”

  His words came out rushed and nervous, and she found it cute. “I’d love to. Text me.”

  With her words, she gently kissed his lips before strolling up the rest of the stairs and into the house.

  Chapter Twelve


  “What’s on the agenda for tonight?” Spencer asked Zane. “You seem to be really enjoying these ‘dates’.” He made sure to use air quotes when he said the word date.

  “Yeah, I guess.” Zane had his head stuck in the refrigerator looking for something to eat. “Tonight is ZooLights.”

  “Zoo, huh? That’s your turf.”

  “Yeah.” He always liked the zoo as a kid, but as an adult, he enjoyed it for a quiet place to read. Zane continued to rummage through the shelves.

  “Have you told her how you feel yet?”

  Jolting upward at Spencer’s words, Zane hit his head on the roof of the refrigerator. “Ow!”

  “I’ll take that as a no.” Spencer laughed.

  Emerging from the refrigerator, Zane grasped an apple. He was psyching himself up for a spirited go-around with his cousin about Lily and took a bite before speaking. “Spence, it’s not like that.”

  But for the first time in a long time, it was like that, and he was okay with that.

  Zane had a lot of baggage, and it was difficult to trust anyone enough to let them in. It was just easier to keep people, especially females, at arm’s length. That way he never needed to explain why he lived with his aunt and uncle, or where his parents were.

  His books and studies kept him company, so he never felt like he was missing out on anything. Until he met Lily.

  “You are like a brother to me, Z, and I can read you like a book. And speaking of books, this is the first girl to get your head out of your books and have some fun for once. Dude, you’re happy. For real. I’m so used to the Z who puts on a smile for the works then hides in his studies. This is a side of you that I like to see. Happy is good.”

  He was used to Spencer harassing him about always studying, but today it pushed his buttons. “Academics are important.”

  “And so is being happy and experiencing love—”

  “Woah! — no one said anything about the L-word. Don’t go dragging that into it.”

  Spencer put his hands up in front of him in defense. “Copy that, bro.”

  His cousin wasn’t wrong. His feelings for Lily were confusing, to say the least. He really enjoyed spending time with her but hadn’t given too much thought to what any of this meant.

  “You know I’m right.” Spencer puffed his chest out proudly.

  Admitting that Spencer was right was something he avoided at all costs. The kid had an ego and feeding it was always a bad idea.

  “I’m just not sure if I’m ready for all that.”

  “For all what? To be happy?”

  “You know what I me
an.” He glared at his cousin. Trusting someone with his past was not something Zane took lightly.

  “I’m telling you, she’s worth it. I think you should follow your heart and give her a chance.”

  This was all way too heavy of a conversation. Choosing to lighten the mood, Zane said with a grin, “That was pretty deep for such a goofball like you.”

  “Shut up, dude!” Spence laughed. “But for real, Lily looks good on you.”

  He could see himself dating Lily. They had so many similar interests, even how much value they put on their studies.

  “Maybe I could talk to her roommate and feel things out before I bring up dating to Lily?”

  Spencer nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I know of her roommate, and I think that’s a great idea. See what she has to say.” He paused as if he was pondering his next choice of words. “But I’m telling you, if you don’t make a move, she’s going to walk right out of your life when this holiday arrangement is over. And I know that’s not what you want. It’s your move, loverboy, don’t waste it.”

  Lily had begun to mean so much more to him than just someone to go to Christmas events with. More than a want ad hanging in the coffee shop.

  His cousin was right, if he didn’t speak up soon, he might lose her.

  They had agreed to meet at the zoo. He couldn’t wait to see her and wished she would have agreed to share a car. Zane patiently waited at the gate. It was already dark out, making the chill in the air feel colder than it actually was. The flurries were highlighted in the spotlights used to illuminate the buildings and walkways. All in all, it was the perfect night for ZooLights.

  Heading toward the zoo entrance, Lily stood out in the crowd—to him at least. He couldn’t get over how adorable she was in her earmuffs, matching scarf, and navy peacoat. She rubbed her gloved hands together as he approached her.

  “You know, if we rode in together you wouldn’t have to stand out in the cold waiting for me.” He smiled in greeting. “Just saying.”

  “I know, and I don’t mind the cold. And hello, Zane. I had a few errands to do before I came here, so it worked out better this way.” She eyed his outfit suspiciously. “A scarf tonight? Very unlike you, but a nice touch. Very fashionable.”

  He shrugged as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. “I don’t know about fashionable. The news said it was going to be cold tonight, so I came prepared.” He glanced down at his bomber jacket, which he definitely bought for the fashion and not the warmth. The only part of his body that wasn’t chilled was his neck, thanks to his quality scarf. “My aunt made it for me.”

  His aunt was handy when it came to things like this. This scarf was one of his favorites, and he saved it for special occasions.

  “Ready?” Changing the subject, Zane held out his hand.

  At first, their holding hands happened by accident, but he enjoyed being close to her.

  Lily took his hand like it was becoming second nature. “ZooLights, here we come.”

  “Now this I’ve done before,” he commented as they walked hand in hand.

  Lily laughed nervously as a grin settled on her lips. “Good. I’d begin to worry about you if you’d never been to the zoo!”

  “Oh, come on! Even I have pulled my nose out of my studies to see Christmas lights at the zoo. And on an occasional warm afternoon in October to check out the animals.”

  “By yourself?” She looked down at the asphalt as they walked.

  “Did I come to the zoo by myself? Yeah.” He shrugged. “Sometimes alone time helps you to recharge.”

  “Yeah.” She sweetly peered up at him as a snowflake landed on her cheek. “I get that.”

  They began to pass by the light exhibits which were placed strategically between animal enclosures. First up, playful penguins sliding down an igloo.

  “Tell me more,” she said as she gazed at the icy blue igloo.

  He pulled her a little closer to him, his voice low and raspy as he responded, “About what?”

  “About wild and crazy Zane stepping out on his studies at the zoo.” Her tone was fun and flirty.

  “Woah, I wouldn’t go that far.” He snickered. “I used to like to come here when all the little ones were back in school, so it was always pretty quiet here. I’d bring a book, sit by the lion enclosure, and read. In October, you can still enjoy the warm weather and sun while seeing the beginnings of autumn move in.”

  Her eyes never left his face as he spoke.

  Zane squeezed her hand and smiled with a bit of embarrassment at his reveal. “What?”

  She fought back a chuckle. “You’d go to the zoo to read?”

  “Oh please! Little Miss law student, don’t tell me you haven’t done the same thing.”

  She made a gesture of zipping her lips closed, and she smiled. Silence fell between them, and she pulled her bottom lip with her top teeth.

  “Oh, I see how it is.” His focus landed on her plump lips.

  Taking her cheek in his free hand, he continued to stare at her beautiful mouth. They inched closer until he could no longer resist the urge to taste her. He softly kissed her warm lips.

  Lily didn’t pull away, not that he expected her to. Instead, she kissed him back.

  When he finally pulled away, the cold air rushed between them, quickly chilling his lips. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her beautiful hazel eyes were dark and wide as she stared at him.

  A light sculpture of a giraffe that was as tall as him adding the star to the top of a Christmas tree with his mouth caught their attention.

  She pointed to the display that was ahead of them. “I’ve always loved giraffes. I don’t really know why. They’re just so…”

  “Tall?” he joked.

  “Majestic.” She playfully smacked his arm and chuckled.

  “Right. That’s what I meant,” he teased.

  She pulled him to the next display. Santa and a baby reindeer.

  Sculptures of gifts lined the walkways and blue and white lights outlined the buildings.

  “I just love seeing the zoo like this.” She gazed at the sparkling lights. “Look!”

  She pointed up at the trees that were draped in “icy” blue lights. A lighted figure of a monkey was perched in one of the trees. The mechanics of the display gave the illusion that the monkey was swinging through the trees until it sat on a branch.

  They kept pace with the crowd. Still holding hands, the warmth of her fingers clasped with his had him forgetting all about how cold his body was.

  “Are you cold?” he asked as they looked at a motion-light sculpture of polar bears doing somersaults.

  “No,” Lily answered as she shivered.

  Zane couldn’t help but laugh at her ridiculousness. “Yeah, not very convincing. I’m going to go get us some hot cocoa to help warm us up. Be right back.”

  He wanted to hold her, warm her up, but instead, he hurried over to the cocoa stand and ordered them each a cup. The chocolatey hot liquid was warm in the paper cups and steam poured out of the top.

  Returning to where Lily sat, he noticed something unusual in her hands. “Where did you get hand warmers?”

  “Oh, these?” She held one up. “My bag. I always try to be prepared.”

  “What are you? A Girl Scout?” He chuckled while handing her one of the cups.

  “Close, I never made it to Girl Scout, but I was a Brownie Scout. I dropped out before I was old enough for the next tier.”

  “How come?” He sat down next to her and took a sip of the hot cocoa. “Didn’t like it?”

  “No.” She shook her head and breathed in the hot steam. “I liked it just fine, but it became too hard for my parents to get me to all the meetings and events. They were very busy people. So instead, I started my own little club with my neighborhood friends. I made a better leader anyway.”

  Shaking his head, he chuckled at her comment because Zane could definitely see little Lily being a much better leader than a follower.

  Nodding toward her pur
se, he asked, “What else do you have in that bag of yours?”

  “Ha-ha. Nothing much. Just an extra pair of gloves because you never know when you’re going to need them. But that’s it.”

  “Well, you can put the hand warmers away. There’s a couple heat lamps on the other side of this building.” He stood up, holding his hand out to her. “C’mon.”

  Zane and Lily walked side by side to the cozy little area with the heat lamps still holding hands. He didn’t realize they still were at first and wondered if she did.

  About a half-dozen heat lamps filled the café area. Benches surrounded each lamp. Some were already occupied with folks warming themselves in the cold evening.

  Zane led her to an empty bench. “Much warmer over here, don’t you think?”

  “Definitely.” She nodded as she grabbed his free hand in hers, resting it on his leg.

  The stars were shining bright above them, the Christmas lights sparkled all around them, and the heat lamps warmed them just enough to take the chill away.

  “You know,” he started. “I think this is my favorite event so far.”

  “Oh yeah?” Her face lit up.

  “Yeah,” he said and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

  Once back at his apartment, Zane couldn’t get Lily out of his head. His cousin was right, like always. Zane had fallen hard for this woman. He had to tell her but finding the words face-to-face was never his strong point.

  “How was the date?” Spencer asked from the couch.

  “Great.” Zane’s answer was short and sweet, but there really wasn’t much more to say. He was happy, and it was written all over his face.

  “Yep, that’s what I thought,” Spencer said, a smug smile filling his face. “Told you so.”

  Spencer’s words made him want to cringe. However, he was too happy to care. “I know you did.”

  “So, I assume she felt the same way when you told her? I have a sense about these things.” Spencer went on.

  “Yeah, that’s why you’re sitting here, still single, huh?”

  Spencer waved his burn off.

  “Actually, I didn’t tell her yet.” Zane grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. He took a drink, knowing Spencer would have an earful for him, so there was no rush on his part.