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Score on Me Page 13

  Kris seemed happy to oblige. Moving her legs to rest at his hips, he thrust rapidly. She melted in his grasp, her body unable to resist him any longer she came undone as he spilled into her. Kris collapsed exhausted beside her.

  "Happy Valentine's Day, baby," she whispered.

  "Happy Valentine's Day, beautiful." Kris moved a strand of hair that fell in front of her eyes.

  They lay together for a while, until finally Kris turned to the nightstand. Picking up a heart-shaped box filled with candy he handed it to her. "Treat?"

  Candles beautifully lit the room. Beside the box of chocolate, there was a glass filled with more colorful candy hearts. These ones also only had a few sayings on them, "KISS ME" and "LOVE". He is quite the romance planner, I like this…she thought. Flashing him a smile, she was unable to find words to express her happiness tonight.

  They fed each other a few pieces of candy. Her head was spinning, she didn't even notice there were two glasses of champagne on the table as well until Kris handed her one.

  Drinking their champagne in bed, Kat knew this was the perfect time to tell him. "Kris, thank you for everything. I love you." She smiled as his face lit up.

  "I'm so glad, baby. I want you to know that you, and only you, have my heart. Kat, you are the only one for me." Kris set both of their glasses on the table. Pulling her close to him, he kissed her.


  "Hey, beautiful!" Kris walked in the door and called as she trotted down the stairs, her long brown hair bounced softly with her as she landed on each step.

  "Hey, handsome…" She smiled.

  "Well, someone is in a good mood?" Kris chuckled as she danced around like a little kid, anxious for her sister to come over. She hadn't seen enough of her since she got back from Florida.

  "How was practice?" Silly question, he was on the ice, playing hockey, of course it was great. He could do that for hours.

  "Great, as usual." Kris smirked. "You're in a good mood I see." Kris took the sandwiches and salad that he bought for this afternoon into the kitchen.

  She spied a box from the bakery. "Bakery?" Kris knew she loved her goodies.

  She giggled as he kissed her smiling lips. No longer having the heavy feelings of self consciousness she was eager to see what wonderful surprise he brought her.

  "Maybe…" he smiled. "It is nice to see you this happy, it really is."

  "Babe, I've been happy since we met." But she did agree that today she was extra giddy.

  "I know, but this is a whole different level of happy, and I like it." Kris leaned in for another kiss.

  "Okay, I have to get ready!" Racing up to their bedroom Kris chasing behind her. She let out a playful squeal.

  "I have to get ready! Don't chase me!"

  "Okay, okay, relax, I won't chase you. Go get ready."

  Kat stood at her closet, smiling for no reason. She was excited that her sister was going to finally meet Kris. She grabbed a pair of jeans, flip flops and a black off-the-shoulder shirt with a yellow tank top underneath. She admired herself in the mirror and thought, very nice. She didn't know when it happened exactly, but she finally liked what she saw staring back at her in the mirror.

  "Hey, I like it!" Kris said as he walked into the bedroom. He looked good, blue jeans, black Converse tennis shoes, a short-sleeved black t shirt that hugged his muscular frame. He put on a black hooded sweatshirt that zipped up the front over the tee. He also wore a white baseball cap, backwards as usual.

  "You look very handsome yourself." She wrapped her arms around his waist under his jacket.

  The doorbell rang.

  "Gia is here!!" Kat yelled, darting to the front door.

  "Kat!!" Gia screeched as Kat swung open the door. The girls hugged each other tightly. It had been more than a few months since they had seen each other.

  "G! I'm so glad you're home! Come in, come in." She closed the door behind Gia. "Gia, this is Kris."

  "Well hellooo…sexy…" Gia said in a faux sexy voice, as she walked in the foyer. She looked Kris up and down, circling him. Gia was a petite girl, she had long, straight very dark hair with a few subtle blonde highlights and big brown eyes. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail today, and her long bangs fell into her eyes with a few strands framing her face. She smirked at him, showing a devilish grin.

  "Hey! Hands off, sis! He's mine!" Kat laughed. "Kris, this is my sister, Gianna, or Gia as we call her. G, behave!"

  Kris put out his hand to shake Gia's. His expression turned to surprise when she grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. "It is so nice to meet you! I have heard so much about you." She looked him up and down after letting him go. "Lucky, lucky girl…" She said to Kat and shook her head, smiling.

  Kris smiled as Kat grabbed him around his waist and snuggled into his side. "I know, right?" She giggled, feeling slightly protective.

  "It's nice to finally meet you, Gia." She had on a Tyler Kidd t-shirt, jeans and flip flops. She had big eyes just like Kat, almost identical, except hers were brown.

  "You two are way too cute!" Gia laughed. pointing at them. "Okay, so when can I get a beer?"

  Kat shook her head, that's my sister.

  They led Gia to the kitchen, Kris grabbed a few beers out of the refrigerator and they sat around the high top breakfast nook.

  Kris's phone rang. "Excuse me, ladies," he walked into the living room "Hello?"

  "Wow, hot and has manners, impressive." Gia giggled. "I bet the sex is amazing… especially with a body like that…"

  Kat just ignored that, but couldn't help but giggle.

  They could hear Kris talking from the living room. "Yeah, that is no problem… You can stop over tonight… Okay, I will see you then. Bye, bro."

  "Everything all right, Kris?" Kat asked as he returned to the kitchen.

  "Yep. Ty just needs to talk something over with me, so he will be stopping by later. Well, I'm hungry, let's get the food out!" Taking the food out of the fridge he set the tray on the counter.

  Kat brought the sandwiches over to the table. Kris waited until both girls took their food, then he filled his plate. He quietly sipped on his beer as the girls caught up.

  The cookies and cupcake Kris had picked up were displayed in the middle of the table.

  "So, Kris…" Gia started, taking a bite of her food. "You treating my sis good?" She narrowed her eyes and looked at Kris, but she couldn't keep herself from laughing and broke into giggles. "Just kidding, Kris. I obviously have no poker face, I can tell she's happy, and that's all I need to know."

  "He does make me very happy, G," Kat said, smiling at Kris.

  "Obviously. I mean, just look at him, he's hot as hell!" Gia said matter of factly, then started to giggle. "By the way, sis, is that the new ride in the driveway?" Gia asked.

  "Oh! Yes it is!" Kat beamed.

  "Hot boyfriend, hot car, awesome house…damn girl!" Gia laughed.

  "Stop it, G…" Kat's face reddened.

  "Well, you can't say it isn't true…that's all I'm sayin'." Gia smirked taking a bite of a cupcake. "Guys, this food is great. I need to eat out this way more often!" Gia stuffed her face with cookies.

  "Maybe if you ever get your own place, you can move out this way…" Kat teased, and in return Gia threw a piece of food at Kat.

  "Yeah, possibly. This is a really nice house, Kris, got a pool I see." Gia said with her mouth full.

  "Thanks, yep, pool and hot tub. Sometime when we are on a road trip Kat should have you over, there's plenty of extra room. You know, keep her company." Kris said.

  Ding-dong. Ding-dong.

  "I'll get it, I'm sure it's Ty." Kris excused himself from the table.

  Kat heard them talking before they appeared in the kitchen. "Hey, Ty, how are you?" Kat asked.

  "Hi, Kat, I'm good, and yourself?" Tyler's gaze landed on Gia sitting there in her Kidd shirt. "I am so sorry, I didn't know you had company! Kris, we could've done this another time. It's really not that important and I don't want to interrupt.

  "Ty, it's fine. You're not interrupting. This is my sister Gia. Gia, this is Tyler–" Before she could finish her introductions, Gia interrupted her.

  "Kidd! Tyler Kidd!" Gia blurted out starry eyed, then quickly covered her mouth.

  "G, do I need to hold you back?" Kat laughed as Gia made a fool out of herself. "Yes, G, Tyler Kidd, the Tyler Kidd." She whispered in Gia's ear, "Now relax and be cool, please! Crazy fans freak him out." Gia blushed, her eyes still wide.

  "Sorry about that, Tyler." Kat apologized.

  Tyler just smiled, his eyes not leaving Gia, even once he spoke. "Not a problem, Kat. Not at all."

  "Ladies, we have a few things to talk about. Afterwards how about you join us for some drinks, Ty? You can stay a while, right?" Kris asked, ignoring Gia and her ridiculous outburst.

  "Yeah, I can stay for a while, that sounds great." They turned to go down to the basement bar area. "Nice to meet you, Gia." Tyler grinned at her before walking away.

  "Holy shit, what was that?" Kat giggled.

  "What was what?" Gia shot Kat a look.

  "Did you see how he smiled at you before they went downstairs?" Kat giggled.

  "No. I didn't notice. But… out of curiosity, is he seeing anyone?"

  Kat just shook her head. "Oh, Gia…"


  "So, what did you want to talk about Ty?" Kris asked offering Tyler a seat at the bar.

  "Well, first I need to ask you something, is Gia seeing anyone?" Tyler asked, wringing his hands as he talked.

  "I don't really know, honestly, I just met her myself. I can find out. But let's get back to why you are here. What's going on? You wanted to talk about something." Uh-oh, looks like someone is interested in Gia, he shook his head.

  "Well, I am hearing from Ben that we might be signing someone new this summer. Are you aware of this?" Tyler was a young captain, but he took his leadership job very seriously.

  "Yeah, I may have heard a little about it. Why do you ask, Ty?" Kris knew exactly what he was talking about. Tyler was talking about Patrick. Kris wasn't supposed to be talking to anyone about it. It had to be kept quiet until everything was finalized. The Renegades wanted his cousin, and Patrick wanted to play for the Renegades. LA agreed to keep it on the down low for now; they didn't want any other teams swooping in and taking him.

  "I guess I'm asking for your opinion, because you are close to the situation. Ben has asked me what I think, and I want to make sure you're okay with it."

  "Yes, I think it is a good move. The Renegades can use someone like that and we will work great together, professionally. I don't foresee any problems with that." Kris patted Tyler on his shoulder. Kris felt like he was talking in secret code, but he was trying to get around saying too much. In addition to keeping things quiet not many people knew they were cousins. Kris was looking forward to having him here. "Since that is settled, you ready to head upstairs and have a beer?"

  Tyler nodded and smiled, "Sure. A beer sounds good."

  Kris and Tyler reappeared from the basement.

  "Hey, guys, everything okay?" Kat asked.

  "Yep, all good," Tyler answered, his stare falling back onto Gia.

  "How about we take this out to the porch?" Kris asked handing out beers.

  Everyone in agreement, they sat down on the patio. The night air was a little chilly, but Kris lit the fire pit so the girls wouldn't be too cold.

  "So, Gia, obviously, you're a Tyler Kidd fan?" As soon as the words came out of Kris's mouth, Gia blushed. Must be a Torella girls thing, he thought. He loved when Kat blushed but wasn't expecting Gia to be so easily flustered. She seemed much more outgoing and mischievous than Kat. Maybe he was wrong.

  Gia looked at her beer and smiled, "Well duh, Captain Obvious." Snapping playfully, she rolled her dark eyes. "Yes, I've always been a big fan. Your jerseys are the only ones I own." Her face grew a darker shade of red.

  "Well, that's nice to hear. Thanks." Tyler grinned.

  "Well hell…" Kat mumbled, getting up to get another beer.

  "I'm right behind you, babe," Kris said following her into the house. "You think this is okay?" Whispering to Kat.

  "Hey, I'm not my sister's keeper, she's a big girl. I think I'm more worried about Tyler!" Kat said, laughing

  Kris could hear the two of them talking quietly outside. Why was she more worried about Tyler? "Wait! What do you mean by that?" Kris called after Kat, but she was already on her way back out to the porch.

  "Gia, are you behaving yourself out here?"

  "Of course I am!" Gia snapped playfully. "We were just talking."

  "Kat, Gia was just telling me that she is a big Renegades fan." Tyler took a drink of his beer.

  "She's a big fan alright," Kat said sarcastically, then added, "fangirl."

  "Hey!" Gia whined with a laugh. "Look who's talking!"

  "Yeah, babe, she has a poin–" Kris tried to say before Kat elbowed him in the ribs.

  Tyler was drinking his beer, trying not to laugh and almost choked.

  "On that note, anyone need another beer or something to eat?" Kris asked, changing the subject. He had no desire to continue that conversation.

  "Nope, I have to drive home. I will take a water, and a cookie." Gia said.

  "Yeah, me too, Kris, minus the cookie. You want some help?" Tyler asked.

  "No thanks, Ty, I will help him," Kat got up.

  Kris plated a few cookies. "Kat, can you grab the waters?" Looking up he saw her peering out the window. "What are you doing?"

  "Shh!" She scolded.

  "Well what are you doing?" He whispered. "Leave them alone, geez." Kris pulled her from the window towards the refrigerator. "Now please grab them some waters."

  "I just wanted to see–"

  "No." He stopped her.

  "But what if they–"


  "Kris!" She whined.

  "What? You said you weren't her keeper. Prove it!"

  "Fine, two waters coming up!" Kat stuck her tongue out at him before a sweet smile crossed her lips.

  "C'mere, baby." Kris dragged her to him pressing his mouth to her pouty lips. "She's a big girl, you said it yourself. Plus, Ty is a good guy. Maybe Gia is destined to be with a hockey player too?"

  "Let's not get too carried away yet." A crooked grin formed on her lips.

  She pushed the hair away from his face before his lips took over hers.

  "Hey Kris! Did you guys get lost?" Tyler called in the door.

  "Ha ha, funny. We're coming." Kris called. "We should get back to our guests," he said to Kat.

  "Yeah you should!" Gia called from the porch.

  Kat just shook her head with a laugh. "Tactful."

  Kat and Kris returned with the drinks and cookies. They handed Tyler and Gia their waters, and Kris and Kat sipped on their beers.

  "Cookies!" Gia dove at the treats like a little kid.

  Kat again just shook her head, this time her face was beaming red.

  "Tyler, you might want to get one before she devours the whole plate." Kat teased.

  "Don't listen to her, Tyler. She secretly wants them all for herself," Gia retorted.

  "No I don't!" Kat whined.

  Tyler laughed, "sisters."

  "So, Gia likes her junk food too? Is this a Torella girls thing?" Kris asked.

  "Sort of. I think it's more of a Torella sisters thing." Gia picked up another cookie after quickly inhaling the first.

  "So anyways." Kat redirected the conversation. "Gia is coming to a game with me, I can't wait! It's gonna be fun!"

  "Yeah, you're gonna love the luxury box, everybody does." Kris added.

  "I haven't been to a game yet this season, I have been out of town, in the Florida Keys," Gia started to explain to Tyler. "So I am looking forward to this!"

  "You can always go with Kat to any game, Gia." Kris offered.

  "That would be great!" Gia caught Tyler watching her, and blushed.

  "Okay, well I'm gonna get going,
Kris." Tyler stood. "Gia, it was very nice to meet you." He smiled at her, gently shaking her hand. "Kat, it's always a pleasure, thanks for the beer, Kris."

  "Nice to meet you too, Tyler." Gia smiled.

  "Maybe I'll see you soon?" He said to Gia. Kris walked him to the door.

  Returning to the porch he caught Kat and Gia whispering. "Look how cute you two are! Were you guys always close? Even growing up?"

  "Of course!" Gia said. "Do you have any siblings, Kris?"

  "Well, I don't have any brothers or sisters." Gia looked sad for him for a second. "I grew up living in the same neighborhood as my cousin, we are the same age. So we were always really close, kinda like brothers, he is my best friend. So in a way I do have a brother." He shrugged.

  "Aw! That is so sweet. Where does he live now? Obviously you are from Canada, with that accent."

  Kris shook his head, laughing. He was starting to understand why Kat said she was more worried about Tyler, seems like Gia can be a handful - an amusing handful - but a handful none the less. "He is actually in Los Angeles right now."

  "I can tell you, Kris, this is the happiest I have ever seen my sister. Ever."

  Kris scooted next to Kat and slid his arm around her shoulders, he bumped his hat on the chair as he snuggled to her, his baseball cap falling to the chair. Flipping his hair out of his eyes he pushed it back behind his ear. A small piece flopped back into his face. Kat ran her hands through his hair as he kissed her lips softly.

  Gia groaned in the background "Oh! How cute!"

  "Shut it!" Kat snapped at her, giggling. "Jealous much?"

  "Funny," Gia retorted.

  "So, you and Ty hit it off?" Kris asked.

  "Yeah. I guess," she shrugged. "Okay, well, it's getting late, I better head out. I will see you both tomorrow." Gia hugged Kat, "Love you sis." Then she hugged Kris. "Damn, he is hot." She said as she copped a feel grabbing his ass and making Kris jump.

  "Hey! Hands off sis!" Kat laughed.

  They stood on the porch and watched until Gia's car disappeared down the street. "So, what's the deal with her and Ty?" He figured that is what they were whispering about.

  "Well, all I know is that they exchanged phone numbers. But I saw the way Ty looked at her, Kris…" Kat laughed.