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Shot at Love Page 4

  “Hey, Kassie,” a voice said from the office check-out window.

  It was the last patient of the day, Mr. Snow. “Hi Mr. Snow. Um, you don’t owe any co-payment for today, so you’re good to go!”

  “Thanks.” He paused awkwardly at the window. His voice cracked with nervousness as he spoke up. “Uh, yeah, and please call me Rob.”

  “Okay, Rob.” She tried not to grimace at the awkward silence that followed. “Can I help you with anything else?”

  “Just one thing. Well, it’s nothing, really. I was… I was just wondering if you’d want to go grab a coffee sometime.”

  Her stomach tensed. This wasn’t the first time she’d been asked out at work. But it never got any easier. And she gave the same answer each time. With an apologetic smile, she gently let him down. “Sorry, Rob. Thank you so much for the offer. I do appreciate it. It’s just, there are rules, and we aren’t allowed to date patients.”

  Rob forced a smile, and nodded. “Sure. Right. Yeah. I get that.” His cheeks turned pink. “Figured as much. It’s cool. I had to try. Well, guess I’m all set. So… see you next time.”

  Rob exited the office before she could say anything else. She wasn’t lying about the no-dating-patients rule. And he was an attractive man, probably her age. Clean cut, a slacks and loafers, polo shirts kinda guy. But he didn’t do it for her. So even if she ran into him at the mall, her answer would’ve still been no.

  Her co-worker Lisa poked her head around the corner. “Another offer, Kassie?”

  “Yep. Do I have a sign on me or something? ‘I’m single—please ask me out’? Or do I just look that lonely and pathetic?”

  “Oh Kassie, puh-lease! Girl, you are the cutest thing in this office, and with no ring, you are prime real estate.”

  “Prime real estate? What’s that supposed to mean?” It sounded ridiculous and something she never wanted to be called again.

  “Just like I said, you’re the cute and sexy one in the office. Everyone knows that.”

  “I wear scrubs just like everyone else,” Kassie said, tired of this conversation. “Scrubs are not sexy.”

  “But you are one of the only people I know who look awesome in them,” Lisa said with a laugh. “Seriously, Kass. You look adorable in them, whereas I look like I just rolled out of bed.”

  Kassie didn’t believe Lisa’s comments. No one looks hot in scrubs.

  The day’s work was complete, and she couldn’t have been more relieved. The doctor was gone as well as all the patients, the paperwork was finished, and rooms ready for the next day.

  Kassie grabbed her purse and keys. “Well, that’s enough of being on display for me today. I’m taking my sexy self and grabbing some greasy food to eat in front of the television. Sounds hot, huh?” She winked at her friend.

  Lisa nodded and smiled. “Definitely.”

  Driving home, her stomach growled. Kassie considered a nice bucket of greasy chicken, until she spotted the sign for the taco place. But after some internal debate, she chose the chicken. Since she’d been so good this week, indulging on only rabbit food, she deserved some grease.

  Pulling into the nearest fried chicken place, she put the car in park and closed her eyes. She did her best to breathe and leave her day behind her. The day hadn’t been bad, yet it was exhausting. She was grateful that there were only two more days until the weekend.

  The chicken place was busy for early afternoon. She ordered a bucket of chicken, because it was on special, along with two sides. She’d never eat all of this food by herself. Whatever she had left, she’d put in the break room at work tomorrow. Sitting down at a table, she wanted to eat at least one piece of chicken while it was fresh and hot. Knowing she’d take an early morning run tomorrow, she dug into the mac ’n’ cheese. Steam poured out of the container, and the aroma of the cheese was delightful.

  Kassie took a bite of chicken. The crispiness of the fried breading and the grease was just what she needed after today. It was comfort food and was as cozy as it was greasy. She took a spoonful of mac ’n’ cheese, using her tongue to catch some rogue cheese sauce off the side of her mouth.

  “Mind if I join you?” A man’s voice, the tone deep and with a sexy touch of smoke, interrupted her mid bite. But he wasn’t just any man; she’d recognize that voice anywhere, and for some reason, her heart skipped a beat.

  It was Luc Marcella.

  He stared down at her with those gorgeous dark eyes. He wore a black knit toque that hid his hair and highlighted his brown eyes, and was smiling and motioning to the side of his mouth.

  “What? Oh…” Crap. Cheese sauce. Grabbing a napkin, she quickly wiped her mouth, and sure enough, she still had cheese sauce on her face. Smooth move, Kass.

  “Mind if I join you?” he repeated, holding a little bag of food and a drink. “Unless you’re here with someone?” He looked at the large amount of food she had on the table.

  A groan formed in her throat at the realization of what she must look like with all this food. “No. Have a seat. This… When I get chicken, which is not very often at all, I like to get enough for leftovers. It saves me from cooking dinner, or it makes a nice packed lunch. Sometimes I share with the girls at work, too.” She had no idea why she was explaining herself to him. Why did it matter what he thought? Even though it did.

  “Sure. I agree. Especially with the special they have going on.” Luc pulled out a chair and sat down. He opened his to-go bag and dumped three sliders onto the table.

  Great. Look at his order of just three sliders. And look at my order. “You don’t have a very big meal.”

  “Nah. I was going to take it to go, and make some mac ’n’ cheese at home.”

  Kassie looked at all her food. “Well, I have mac ’n’ cheese and coleslaw. You’re welcomed to share. And if you want a chicken leg or something, there are plenty. Help yourself.”

  “Thank you, Kassie, I think I will. Nothing like a nice greasy piece of chicken once in a while.”

  “Exactly.” Wasn’t she just thinking that?

  “By the way, nice scrubs.” His eyes flashed with light as he looked her over.

  She shrugged at his comment. They were just scrubs; why did everyone keep commenting on them? “You know, uniform.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s the nicest set of scrubs I’ve ever seen.” Luc smiled as he said the words.

  She’d had a long day at the office, and ending her work day with Rob hitting on her had left her exhausted and defensive to more comments. “Please. You’re getting a little cheesy now.”

  “Oh, sweets, you haven’t seen cheesy. Plus, I’m just being honest. Uniform or not, you make them look good.”

  “Look, Luc, before you start flirting and trying your playboy ways on me, understand that―”

  “My playboy ways? Interesting.” The corner of his lips curled up. Her words appeared to amuse him.

  “Let me finish, please. I don’t date athletes. Also, I’m not that easy.” Her boldness even surprised her, but she was going with it.

  “So, as I’m understanding it, you can’t be swayed by my playboy ways. Because you don’t date athletes. Oh, and you’re not that easy.” Luc repeated with that sexy smirk on his face.

  That damn. Sexy. Smirk.

  “But you couldn’t help but invite me to eat with you.” Luc took a bite of his slider, but his amused eyes never left hers.

  Kassie shrugged. “I didn’t say we couldn’t be friends. We’re going to see each other all the time.” She knew it was messed up the moment she said it. Having to keep her distance, and yet still have him around. Not to mention dealing with the way he still made her feel, regardless of the guy code that had been drilled into her brain since her childhood. “Besides, there weren’t any vacant tables, so why wouldn’t I let you sit with me?”

  Her words fell on deaf ears, as he focused on the wrong part of her comments.

  “Oh? So maybe my playboy ways do affect you just a little wee bit?” Luc held his thumb and foref
inger close together to show a little bit, his smirk more devilish than ever now.

  “I, uh, no. I never said that. I just—”

  “You just want to see me as a friend. Right? ’Cause that’s what you said.” Luc ate a spoonful of mac ’n’ cheese, but never took his amused gaze off her.

  “What I said was, we’ll still end up seeing each other. You know, because of team stuff.”

  “And that you want to be friends.” Her words weren’t getting through to him. He was focusing on only the ones he wanted to hear, again. With the same cocky look on his face, he continued. “Because we can totally do that.”

  The words spun in her brain, but she was too tongue-tied to string a sentence together. This wasn’t good. He was in her head. The worst part was, he knew it.

  Kassie took little Kaleb out of Ali’s arms as she looked around the arcade. She was trying her best not to watch Luc, but he was a hard guy to keep her eyes off. Besides being too good looking for his own good, he was also quite the showboat.

  “Did Luc just do the ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’ dance?” Ali asked, her attention focused in his direction.

  “Um, yeah. I believe so.” What a dork. “He’s a bit of a show-off, isn’t he?”

  “No one ever accused him of being modest,” Ali said with a laugh. “He’s quite the character. I’m not sure he can help it.”

  “Yeah.” Her eyes lingered on him as they talked. “But they are being pretty cocky about their skee ball game. You might have to go over there soon and show them who’s boss.”

  “I will. Just waiting for Kaden to tag me in.” Ali gave an exaggerated sigh. “You know he always does.”

  Ali was especially good at skee ball and liked to show the boys up when she got the chance. This looked like one of those times. Kaden was never shy about turning the spotlight on her when it came to the game.

  “That’s because you’re better at skee ball than him.” Kassie danced around with little Kaleb, trying to head off any crying. “Hey fussy boy, hey now. No crying with Aunt Kassie.”

  “Want me to take him, sis?” Ali asked.

  “No, he’s fine. I’ve got him. You’re fine, aren’t you little guy? Yes, yes you are.” She continued to speak baby talk to her nephew as he calmed down.

  “I’m surprised you wanted to hang out with us tonight. You had to have better offers than the Fun for All with our families?”

  She wished she had better offers. But the dating pool was suffering from a drought, not like it mattered. With Luc on her mind all day, she wouldn’t even notice if someone did make her a better offer. Yet, she had no words to explain to her sister-in-law. “Nah.”

  “Hey there, big boy!” Hailee scooped the baby up out of Kassie’s arms. “How’s my best guy?”

  “Hey! I thought I was your best guy?” Dom whined.

  “Oh, hush! Babe, you know you are!” Hailee reassured her husband.

  Kassie had only met Hailee a few times, but she seemed nice. With her purple hair and tattoos, and a wicked sense of style, she was one of the sweetest people Kassie had ever met. Her husband, Dom, was just as great. And just as tattooed. But Kassie had never been affected by Dom’s masculine presence. Dom was like a big brother to her. He had been a friend of Kaden’s for a long time.

  “Having fun, little O’Conner?” Hailee asked, unknowingly irritating Kassie.

  Ali caught Kassie’s gaze, and cringed apologetically at her friend’s words. Kassie shrugged. She had confided in Ali how much she hated always being referred to as Kaden’s little sister. She was going to correct Hailee, but Kaleb broke the tension for her.

  As nice as Hailee was, apparently kids didn’t find her as appealing. Kaleb wailed any time she tried to hold him. As bad as Kassie felt for Hailee, who was his godmother and just wanted to dote on him, it gave her a small sense of satisfaction that her nephew was coming to her rescue.

  “Why don’t kids like me?” Hailee whined as she handed him back to Kassie.

  “Hailee, he’ll learn to. Trust me.” Ali tried to comfort her friend. “He’s just a baby.”

  Kassie bounced Kaleb on her hip, trying to stop him from crying and to get a smile out of him again. She sang her favorite song from the radio and danced around until he was all smiles again. “There’s my little guy!”

  Unfortunately, all the ruckus Kaleb had created attracted some attention, and people were watching in their direction. That included a sexy, smirking Luc Marcella.



  Some of the Renegades planned a family-friendly fun night at the local Fun for All. A typical night out was to a bar or club, but some of the guys with families couldn’t always go. So tonight, Kris could bring Ian and Sam could bring Willow. Kaden had even brought Kaleb, although the baby was too small to run around with the other kids.

  “Better watch out, Marcella! I’m getting close to beating your high score!” Sam called from the skee ball lanes. Willow stood beside him in her own lane, imitating her dad’s moves, but obviously throwing a much lower game.

  “Good luck trying, Morris!” Luc waved him off. “There’s no way you’re beating my—”

  “Uh… look at that last ball. It. Looks. Like… it is! In the one-hundred hole! BOOM! Looks like I’m the top dog now, Marcella.” Sam danced around like a goof, laughing and creating a scene.

  Luc rolled his eyes and laughed. “You’re such a dork.”

  “That’s Top-Dork, thank you,” Sam added with a foolish, cocky grin on his face.

  “Now he’s the Top-Dork?” Trina interrupted and mocked.

  “Oh yeah. I don’t think anyone will question that,” Luc said with a chuckle. He nodded to Trina before squatting down next to Willow. He put out his hand to her. “Gimme five, Willow. Nice game, girl.”

  Willow slapped his hand as hard as she could, leaving his tough man-hand stinging. “Did I beat Daddy?”

  “Yep, sunshine, you beat Daddy,” Sam said, as he picked up the littlest Morris for a hug. “Here, you and Mommy take these tickets over to the counter and pick out a cool prize.” Willow was off and running as soon as her feet touched the floor.

  “I call a rematch,” Luc demanded jokingly.

  Sam shook his hand dramatically. “Yeah, I would, but my hand is so tired from winning. Your rematch will have to wait, Rock-Star.”

  It was fun doing this for a change, skee ball, mini golf, and video games. But being a bachelor in this place kind of sucked. The other young guys had opted out of tonight, but he was tight with Sam and Trina and little Willow, so there was no way he’d miss this. He was only reminded of his single status when the families broke off together.

  “Woah, Marcella, did Morris beat your high score?” Kaden commented as he joined them.

  “Did you miss his winning dance?” Luc hooked his thumb in the direction of Sam, who was doing a mini-version of his dance for Kaden. “Not sure I’d call that winning. More like a dork-dance if you ask me.”

  “Top-Dork, thank you very much,” Sam added with much humor.

  “Don’t get too comfortable at the top, Sam. My wife has mean skee ball skills.” Kaden grinned wide before he turned and waved Ali over. “Doll, why don’t you show Sam how it’s done?”

  Ali and Kassie joined their little group. Ali asked, “Did someone say skee ball?”

  “Yep. Doll, show surfer boy how it’s done.” Kaden winked at his wife.

  Ali handed little Kaleb to Kassie and pretended to stretch out before she put her token in to start the game.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ali cracking her knuckles and going to work crushing Sam’s score, one ball at a time. But his attention was on Kassie O’Conner, who was standing on the outskirts of the group, holding baby Kaleb. Her long brown hair was up in a ponytail that swayed along with her hips, while she rocked side to side, soothing the baby.

  Never before had he thought a girl looked so good holding a baby. And while most guys would’ve run at that image, his feet were
planted firmly on the ground.

  “Earth to Marcella. Hello?” Sam snapped his fingers in front of Luc’s face.


  “Dude, where did you go? You were in la-la land. Wait, don’t tell me. I don’t need to know the demented things that go on in that mind of yours,” Sam teased. “You joining us for pizza to celebrate Ali beating my high score?”

  Ali raised her hands in the air. “Yeah, who’s the top dog now, surfer boy?”

  “That’s my girl!” Kaden grabbed her around the waist, pulling her in for a kiss. “Pizza’s on Morris!”

  Luc’s eyes met Kassie’s as she bounced Kaleb on her hip. She smiled but glanced away quickly. Ali took the baby from Kassie’s arms.

  Kassie disappeared from his sight, just as Sam grabbed him around the neck. “So? You hanging around for pizza, Rock-star?”

  “Puck-Star,” Luc mumbled. He was determined to make that a thing.

  “I’m sure Marcella is itching to get out of here and go trolling for chicks,” Kaden commented, while Sam held Luc in a great position for a noogie.

  Luc wiggled out of the hold Sam had on him. “Trolling for chicks? No one says that anymore. Have you really been out of circulation that long, K-man?”

  “Whatever, dude. Out of circulation, or deliriously happy, whichever you prefer to call it,” Kaden countered.

  Luc looked at his soft drink, and discovered it was empty. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll stay for a slice.” He nodded his head towards the snack bar. “Just going to get a refill on my pop.”

  “Why don’t you grab us a pitcher of pop? Thanks, Luc.” Kaden grabbed a table, and then looked around. “I’m just going to hunt down a couple of booster seats for the kids.”

  Luc approached the snack counter. Kassie’s ponytail was in his peripheral vision. “Hi, can I get a pitcher of pop, please?”

  The kid behind the counter nodded before going to retrieve the soft drink.

  “I’ll try not to spill my drink on you this time,” Kassie’s soft voice joked from beside him.