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Wanted: Boyfriend for Christmas (The Holiday Series Book 1) Page 9
Wanted: Boyfriend for Christmas (The Holiday Series Book 1) Read online
Page 9
“Oh, nothing.” Lily waved him off as she turned back to her trays of cookies. “What was it you were going to say before we were interrupted?”
Now it was Zane’s turn to hide his uncomfortableness. “Me?” He shook his head. “It wasn’t anything.”
“Well, it was something. You started to say something.” She walked over to him, leaned on the counter beside him and bashfully moved her glance from the floor to his face. “You know…when my roommate interrupted us.”
Oh, he knew exactly what they were interrupted from doing—almost kissing—but the moment was gone now.
“I was just going to say that I need more coffee.”
More coffee? I’m such a dork. I couldn’t think of anything better than more coffee?
“Sorry!” Harley said as she snuck down the steps. “I forgot my coffee down here, and you know I need my caffeine.”
“Harley, this is my…my friend Zane,” Lily introduced with some hesitation. “Zane, this is my roommate Harley.”
Harley joined them in the kitchen and put out her hand to him. “Nice to meet you, Zane.”
“Likewise.” He nodded as he shook her hand.
“Oh, right. Zane, the Christmas friend.” Harley grinned devilishly.
Nodding, he shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”
Lily glanced at the clock. “Oh! Look how late it is, I better go get ready?”
“What’s the da…I mean, on the agenda for tonight?” Harley asked.
“Season’s Greenings at the botanical gardens,” Zane said.
Harley rolled her eyes, and he swore he heard her gag a little. “My sympathies, but better you than me!”
Lily shook her head with a sigh that Zane took as a combination of amusement and annoyance. “Zane, please make yourself comfortable. Help yourself to anything you want in the kitchen too, I mean, I won’t be long, but there’s drinks in the refrigerator and cookies, obviously.”
“No worries, Lil. I’ll keep your friend company,” Harley said.
“That’s what worries me,” Lily responded.
“Go ahead and do what you need to do. I’ll be fine,” Zane said.
Lily didn’t look convinced, but she nodded and went upstairs to get ready.
“So, Harley, I take it you are not a Christmas person?” Zane asked as he sat down on the couch.”
“Christmas friend Zane,” she started. “I love Christmas. I like the shopping and the good food. I like going home to spend the day with the family. What I don’t care for is my obsessive roommate, her overzealous decorating, and all of her ‘fun’ ideas.” Harley used air-quotes when she said fun and motioned around the very festive looking living room.
He couldn’t help but chuckle. The Christmas decorations were a bit extra but nothing he wasn’t used to in his own home growing up. “I can see how that might not be your thing.”
“But is it your thing?” she asked.
“Um, well, kind of. Growing up, Christmas was a really big deal in our house. We had the large tree, all the decorations, and lots of family time. Actually, the train display Lily and I went to was a staple in my childhood.”
“So you’re saying that you are a Christmas fanatic like my dear roommate is.”
He nodded. “Yeah. Is that a bad thing?”
“No,” Harley said overly dramatic. “It is a wonderful thing! Because you, my Christmas angel, you are saving me from being asked to go to all these things with her.”
Zane chuckled. “You’re welcome?”
“I have been her Christmas event date for too many years.” Harley laughed and flopped down into an armchair. “She’s all yours.”
Harley had no idea how much he enjoyed going to these events with Lily.
“Ready?” Lily called as she hurried down the steps, pulling on a sweater while juggling her purse. “Are you okay sharing an Uber?”
Offering Lily his hand, Zane helped her as she stepped out of the car. “Ready to see flowers?”
Ready to see flowers? That came out way more casual than he intended. There were probably a hundred other ways he could’ve referred to tonight’s activity—and he chose that one.
Lily smiled. “It’s more than just flowers.” Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that hung over her shoulder and she was wearing a knit cap that looked like a beret. “Ever been?”
Zane was focusing hard on how the color of her hat brought out the color in her eyes. It took him a minute to realize she had asked him something. “Oh, me? No. You?”
“Yeah. A few times.” Without any further explanation, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the building.
The door they entered through led to a large room full of various train displays. The mixture of the noise of the little train motors and all the giggling from the children was almost too much for him to bear. Luckily, all he could focus on was the delight on Lily’s face as she hurried to the closest train exhibit.
“Oh! Zane, look at this one—you have to see it!” She pulled him in the direction of the train before he could even slip off his jacket.
Christmas trees filled the room with train tracks running around, under, through, and above them. Lights twinkled and soft music played in the background of all the festive chaos.
Draping his jacket over his arm, he nodded to the enormous display. “Grand Central Station?”
“Not just Grand Central Station.” She pulled off her coat and also slipped it over her arm. “But Grand Central Station made entirely of plants! How cool is that?” The child-like enthusiasm in her voice had him excited at that horticultural fact, even though he wasn’t a flower person.
The trains were very cool and the numerous different real-life stations and attractions too. He knew a lot of time obviously went into this annual display, yet all he could focus on was Lily. She ran from display to display, rattling off her knowledge of how each was created and fun facts about the designers.
“And you say you’ve only been here a few times? You seem to know this place better than the workers do.”
She grinned as she tapped her one temple. “Got it all memorized up here. And maybe it has been more than a few times.” Letting out a laugh, she added, “All right, fine, I actually volunteered here when I was a teenager. I spent a lot of time learning about everything that went into the display. You should know by now that when I do something, I don’t do it halfway.”
Zane took her hands in his. “I like that about you.”
Her eyes locked with his for a moment, and they stood together in silence.
The sound of a ringing bell caught their attention, and then Santa Claus belted out his traditional “Ho! Ho! Ho!” which caused a stampede of young children to run by them, almost knocking Lily off her feet.
Catching her balance, her eyes followed the gaggle of children, then she noticed what was behind them.
“Oh, wow! Look!” She pointed to a display of the U.S. Capitol building before she rushed over to it, slipping her way past everyone so she had a front row spot.
Zane did his best to follow behind her. “Right up your alley, huh?”
“What?” She cocked her head toward him in confusion. “I don’t think I’ve heard anyone say that in ages.”
“You mean—right up your alley?” he asked with a shrug. “My aunt and uncle always used that saying when I was growing up.”
Lily covered her mouth, trying to hide a chuckle. “It just took me by surprise, that’s all. But it fits you.”
“I hope that’s a good thing?”
She nodded with a hint of sweetness. “Oh, it is.”
Before they could discuss things any further, Lily shifted her focus to the government-related displays. This was becoming a trend with them.
Lily went back to reciting how the buildings were constructed using plant-based materials, and how each of the buildings were set up to mimic the real things, including the little statue of Abraham Lincoln that sat inside the Lincoln Memorial.
r /> She stopped just long enough to sniff some flowers. Her eyes closed and a smile slid across her lips as if she was in her most favorite place on earth.
“You really like flowers, huh?”
“Well…” She smiled coyly. “I am named after one, so…”
Surrounded by thousands of flowers and poinsettias in colors he never knew existed, he still thought the prettiest thing in the entire building was her.
The ride home was a quiet one. It didn’t help the awkwardness of the moment that they were in a compact car, and he was so tall that his knees were cramped in the backseat. He was turned to the side, which only made matters worse. His legs almost touched hers now.
The car pulled up to the curb outside of Lily’s apartment.
“Well, I guess that’s a wrap for tonight?” Zane asked from the backseat of the Uber.
“Oh wait, come inside with me for a minute. I want to give you some cookies to take home.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“Nonsense! I made a plate for you, so you might as well get them.” Lily pulled him out of the car by his hand. Calling back to the driver, she asked, “Can you wait one minute? He’ll be right back.”
The driver nodded as they hurried to Lily’s front door. She quickly unlocked the door and dragged Zane inside.
Zane looked back at the car. “The car is waiting.”
“Let him wait. He’s getting paid either way.”
She wasn’t wrong.
Lily ran to the kitchen and brought back a container clad with Christmas designs. “I can’t believe you just stood in the doorway waiting. You could’ve sat down.”
He knew damn well after how tense this night went, if he sat down and waited for her, he might not want to leave. “Nah, I’m good. After all, the car—”
Lily shoved the container into his hands and tossed her head back with a subtle laugh. “The driver doesn’t care, trust me. All he cares about is your payment. He doesn’t care what we’re doing.”
He couldn’t help but watch her every movement as she ran her hands over his chest and brushed a few snowflakes off his jacket. Her hair was falling into her face.
As if it was something that he did all the time, Zane reached out and brushed a few rogue curls back behind her ear. She looked up at him, her mouth dropping open like she was going to say something, except no words came out. Instead, she searched his face and her eyes locked with his.
His knuckles trailed gently down her cheek and he admired her. Slowly they moved toward one another like they were moving in slow motion
“Hey, Lil, is that you? How was the da—” Harley called as she hurried down the stairs. “Oh! Whoops! Not again! Don’t mind me. Carry on. Act like I wasn’t even here, I mean, I’m not now, so back to whatever you were doing!”
“It wasn’t a—” Lily said at Harley as she hurried back up the stairs.
“A what?” Zane asked her, already knowing the answer. After the way Harley grilled him earlier, he knew exactly what she was referring to—that it was a date. And Lily was not very convincing when she denied that it was.
“Nothing. She’s just…Harley.” Lily waved him off and took a half-step back.
The moment was lost. Again.
These intense moments were happening more often, and he knew he needed to tell her how he felt. He just didn’t know how.
“Well…” He motioned toward the cookie container. “Thanks for the cookies.”
Lily smiled and bit her bottom lip. “Sure, no problem. After all, you did help bake them.”
Zane nodded. “Right. Well, I better take my cookies and get going. Don’t want to keep the Uber waiting too long.”
As if on cue, the driver honked his horn, which made them both chuckle.
“Yeah, you better go.”
“Talk to you tomorrow?” he asked before he turned away.
She flashed a shy smile. “Yeah. Tomorrow.”
He hurried to the car, happy at the slight bit of progress they seemed to make tonight. Because while it was true that this wasn’t a real date, one thing was crystal clear to him now—he needed to take her on a date. A real date.
Chapter Eleven
Lily thought maybe she was losing her mind. Not just figuratively but literally. Not once but twice she felt—actually felt—Zane wanted to kiss her. She definitely wanted to kiss him. Her lips tingled to touch his. Her whole body shook to be in his arms.
“I’m losing it, aren’t I?” she asked Harley as they browsed the sale racks.
“Yes, you are,” Harley answered without a second of hesitation. “You’d feel better if you just told him.”
Sighing, she pulled a sweater off the rack then glanced over it before placing it back on the rack. Rubbing her left temple, she felt the throb of an oncoming headache. Tonight is one of her favorite nights, but she didn’t even want to go. Well, that wasn’t true. She wanted to go, with Zane, but as boyfriend-girlfriend. However, it would be impossible because she already knew telling him about her feelings would be a disastrous mistake.
“What do you think of this one?” Harley held up a long sleeve shirt in a hideous color.
“It’s nice,” Lily said without much emotion.
“Okay, that’s it,” Harley growled, roughly hanging the shirt back up. She moved around, grabbed Lily’s wrist and led her to the food court of the mall. “Sit,” she ordered.
Falling down into a chair, she watched Harley drop her bags next to her and rush over to the cookie store across the way and brought back a large cookie and two pops.
“We’re not leaving here until this cookie is finished and you don’t look like Santa just told you he’s not coming this year.” Harley popped open the box and a large Christmas tree shaped cookie stared back at her.
Lily’s words spilled out of her as if a dam had broken inside her. “I can’t tell him how I feel because he doesn’t feel the same way. I don’t have time for a broken heart.”
Harley’s face fell. “I saw you two together. He likes you. A lot. I think this could be something. Lily, you never take chances. This could be your chance.”
Shaking her head, she pulled a part of the cookie off and shoved it in her mouth then sipped on her pop.
“Stop,” Harley commanded. “I don’t know why you do this to yourself. You’re beautiful and there’s no reason for you to think that you shouldn’t have a successful, committed relationship.”
“I don’t know why either, but…” Her voice trailed off, and she shrugged.
They sat there for several minutes and ate parts of the cookie as holiday music and the noise of the people drifted around them.
“Lily, you need to take a chance on this guy. Just a chance. I think you’ll be surprised. Just try.” Harley’s usual harsh tone softened as did her expression.
She couldn’t explain it, but Harley’s words hit her hard. Why shouldn’t she be happy? Why shouldn’t she be with a nice guy? It was the perfect time of year to be happy. Right?
Tonight was one of her favorite nights. Actually, it was the best night in Washington, D.C. and America. The lighting of the national tree aired on every media station and live on Facebook. She watched it many, many times throughout her years, and even though it seemed silly because it’s just a tree, it meant much more to her. Like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, it’s a staple in the holiday season. The air, surprisingly, wasn’t as freezing as the previous night. The high forties seemed like a heatwave compared to the past week of weather. Standing outside on the stoop, she watched Zane stroll down the sidewalk toward her. Her heart raced when their eyes connected, and he smiled.
“Aren’t you cold?” he questioned when he was within a couple of feet of her.
“No, it’s not too bad right now.” Even though the sun had set, and she could see her breath, it kept her cool as her body heat rose seeing him.
He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something else, but the
Uber honked at that moment. She saw a wave of frustration wash over his face for the briefest of seconds before a tight smile replaced it.
Again, he held the door for her, and she touched his shoulder as she eased in. She felt him tense through his wool trench coat but then relax. The tight smile he had faded and his now true smile made her return one back to him.
The drive was filled with bumper-to-bumper traffic. The national tree lighting was held at the White House and was exclusive. Sure, you could see it from the street, but this would be the first time she’d be on the inside.
The Uber had to drop them off a ways back because of security. When they got out of the vehicle, Lily became brave. She slipped her arm through the crook of his arm. She thought he might pull away, but instead, he held her tighter. After they went through a massive amount of security, they were finally on the grounds.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to the White House,” Zane finally commented after someone directed them where to stand.
“Me either. I’ve never been on a tour.” Due to the number of people, she moved closer to Zane. She inhaled his cologne. He smelled like the ocean. Realizing they had never been this close before, she savored the moments. Her talk with Harley put some things into perspective.
“Me too. Maybe we should go sometime,” he suggested, and Lily nodded.
“Maybe we could go to dinner sometime too.” The words rushed out before she overthought them. Instantly, she regretted it because he might say no.
“Sounds great.” He beamed down at her.
Her heart stopped, and she tried not to act surprised. Even though she was completely.
An announcer began to go through what would be happening in the ceremony. Lily tried to focus, but truthfully, she heard nothing. His words continued to spin through her head. They stood and listened to the children’s choir sing a few songs before they announced that the President and First Family will be arriving in a few moments.
“Have you ever been in the presence of the President?”